Top 5 Countries I Want To Visit and Explore

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Top 5   Places I want to Visit and Explore

#5 Bali, Indonesia
- I pick this because of how the nature and rich biodiversity meet. I want to explore the different places bali can offer where I can unwind and just chill while I am there. From the different beaches to the different historical sites and specially try their different cuisines.

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#4 Soldiers facilities

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- May be i'm weird because I chose this place to visit. I want to visit this place for I really appreciate what the soldiers are doing in each country its a huge responsibility for a soldier to bury their other feet on the grave, leave his family and serve the country. I want to experience being a soldier even just for a day. I dont know I just have the huge respect for them I guess that is why I like to visit this kind of place.

#3 Sweden during winter time
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- For this one of the place that offers a great place to experience and view the northern lights and lay there during winter ,star gaze where I can really see the bright sky full of stars and the milky way galaxy. One reason also is me, first dreaming to be an astrounaut, it just mesmerize me everytime I think about everything that is related to stars, planets in short anything that rest beyond earth whether it is a phenomenon or cycle name it.

#2 Africas Safari
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overview african safari
- This place is definitely a bucketlist for me. I am not an animal lover but I want to experience and explore living in the wild and seing the wild life present their. I want to see the animal I had only seen on TV, and books since i was a kid up until now. I dare to visit this place in the future i think seing them in person and watching them even from a far is a lifetime experience.

#1 Thailand
BangkokChiang MaiPattayaKo SamuiImage result for thailandImage result for thailandImage result for thailand street foods 
- I want to explore and envision the difference and similarities of Thailand to Philippines. For this the place my dad really want to visit just to view the elephants cliche it seems but I just  like the idea. Thailand is known for being cheap yet you get the best quality from the street foods to the accommodation to the things you need during and after your stay there. I want to experience the interaction of the people there.



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